INTEGRITY PUBLICATIONS brings you quality theology through the medium of eBooks.


 THE VOICE OF GOD: In Authority Relationships

Dr. Swincer has just released this new book, challenging our approach to authority structures throughout society.

Pivotal, is the understanding that ALL  authority is premised in God, and all other authority is DERIVED authority. This forms the basis for God's Voice to be heard in all situations requiring the operation of authority.


Further details below.



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If Adam’s sin has led to my condemnation—and therefore I am Condemned Already—how can I repent of Adam’s sin since it is not my own sin? How then can I become a Christian if I am condemned for Adam’s sin rather than my own? I can’t repent of Adam’s sin. And what place is there left for evangelism if I can’t repent?

See REVIEW below





In the lands of the East, when a host accepts a man to be his guest he thereby agrees at whatever the cost to defend his guest from all possible enemies during the time of his entertainment ... The host took a piece of roast mutton and handed it to the missionary, saying as he did so, "Now do you know what I have done?" In answering his own question he went on to say: "By that act I have pledged you every drop of my blood, that while you are in my territory no evil shall come to you. For that space of time we are brothers." The Psalmist felt utterly secure, though he had enemies close by him, when he knew that God was his host. "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies".
(Wight 1953, 78.)
This simple example helps to pinpoint the need for careful biblical exegesis. If we want to LET GOD SPEAK through His Word, then we must be able to understand the meaning of that word to the culture to which it was written.
But we need to briefly lay a foundation for that study, about defining the actual Bible—the Word of God. What is the actual content of the Bible? Which books are to be included and why? Is it inspired? How are we to then interpret this composite book (of 66 books)? How are we to then discover what this ancient writing has to say to us today in our time and culture?
The climax of these foundational issues is the careful exegesis of the bible, with worked examples of several passages to demonstrate a methodology that can be applied to any verse or passage of the bible. This is the basis for preaching, teaching and personal application.

See REVIEW below.


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Having been told to sacrifice his one-and-only son—who he had waited for 25 years to arrive, God told Abraham to sacrifice the lad to Him. No explanation.

And the Covenant God made to Abraham depended on that son. But Abraham was strong in faith—being persuaded of God—knowing that God had it all under control.

Abraham responded with implicit trust and obedience, and even though he was about 120 years old, he immediately proceeded into the desert to obey God.

On approaching the mountain for the sacrifice, he explained to his servants who accompanied him and Isaac:

… “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will WORSHIP and then we will come back to you.” (Genesis 22:5).

Abraham wished to “appreciate God for His own sake”. And his willingness to worship—no pipe organ or hymns—underlines the nature of true worship as it is addressed in this book.

And hence the definition:

Worship is:

     1.      an appreciation of God for His Own sake,

     2.      without regard to the circumstances,

     3.      without regard to any benefits that we might derive from Him, and

     4.      it is 24/7.

This teaching is a must for every pastor, in their leadership of their flocks, as well as in their private devotions—as well as for every lay person.


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We live in a day when God’s Voice is heard less and less. References to God or celebrations––like Christmas and Easter––are devalued and avoided, or reinterpreted for secular reasons.

References to God by prayers in Parliament and schools are reduced or removed. Loud, unprincipled voices are being heard instead of the truly authoritative Voice of God.

Godless evolution is promoted in most educational institutions, with any believers in, or sympathisers of creation, being dismissed or intimidated.

Against all this ignorance, we note that the only true source of authority is this same Almighty God Who is being silenced by the secular society. And the effects of this fact are being felt at all levels of society with exceptionally sad oppression and injustice.

All authority as expressed in the functional structures of our society—whether government and civil, employment and education, or domestic and private—is only ever derived authority. No one has authority vested in them by intrinsic right, or by self-achievement.

The only ones who claim such authority are dictators, petty tyrants, bully bosses, tyrannical husbands, intolerant drill instructors, and the like. No one serving under them would ever mistake their voice as even remotely expressing the Voice of the true God.

The one-and-only true and sovereign God, Who alone possesses authority, is loving, caring, compassionate, patient, just, longsuffering, instructive. How can this God’s character be conveyed to our society? Only through the derived authority expressed by Christians in the functional structures of society. Others who have imbibed the Judeo-Christian ethic, will no doubt also express from their background, something of God’s character as well.

The need of the hour, is for The Voice of God to be heard at all levels of society.

* * * * *


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The chief concern in this study is the understanding of the true glossolalic phenomenon, in distinction from the confusing element of ecstasy.

The starting point is the assumption that there is an authentic gift of glossolalia that presumably is potentially valid today, although under what conditions and why is a different question. Gifts of teaching, preaching, and pastoring are self-evidently valid or able to be independently validated, but what is the validation of speaking in "tongues"? Indeed, what is "speaking in tongues"?

See REVIEW below


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UNIQUE. This is the only known construct to demonstrate the true gift of languages (together with interpretation as a composite gift), showing its source, purpose and operation.
This unique construct demonstrates all the biblical criteria, in particular:
• the source in God (Trinitarian) as for ALL gifts,
• the ministry to the church (as for ALL the gifts),
• its relevance today in spite of arguments to the contrary,
• the fact that it has never been abrogated at any time,
• its method of operation that can be independently validated and thereby protect its operation from abuse,
• its purpose as an unambiguous sign of God’s judgement and displeasure with unpersuaded believers in the church—hence a gift for the church.

See REVIEW below.



The traditional pastoral role has changed over the last decades, largely due to the growth of mega-churches. The senior pastor has tended to become more an executive leader with an emphasis on public preaching as the figurehead of a large organisation.
The traditional pastoral role has been superseded in large part in these situations, with much of the regular pastoral role being performed by a range of associate pastors/elders with a primary function as pastors, with little if any preaching component.
In the past, many churches did not have any pastoral assistance, and often the pastor was assisted by deacons, performing de facto pastoral roles, whilst also performing the normal administrative functions usually ascribed to deacons.
This has meant that often the expectancy of performing this de facto pastoral role, has led to a more selective process for choosing deacons, often precluding some well-equipped and gifted men from a serving ministry because they did not simultaneously qualify as elders.
We look at the pastoral role generally, but with a view to multiplying this role in order to meet the needs of growing congregations through the introduction of elders. Some practical considerations are given for the transition to introduce these changes.
Alongside this, what is the function of women in leadership ministries of the church?




The title of this book is an expression of the following:

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing (acceptable) and perfect will.

Romans 12:1-2, emphases added.

The question that is paramount, is, “How do we discover this good and acceptable and perfect will?”

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from the Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts - deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds ...

Colossians 3:15 (Amplified), emphases added.

This verse expresses in a quite convincing way, the last word on discovering the will of God: Let the peace of God continually act as umpire in your hearts, deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds (Colossians 3:15, adapted).

But this is not a privilege for anyone, as if it were some semi-magic trick to discover God’s will.

It is premised upon a deep and meaningful personal relationship with Christ. That relationship is the result of the conversion experience, and results in a life of growing into Christ’s likeness—the process of sanctification. The expression of that life is then found in true Christian worship, with its commitment to God and the desire to live in obedience to Him—doing His will.

That is the theme of this book.





The Old Man is a term only occurring three times in the Bible. It is a very important concept theologically, but this has been lost by incorrect translation, and then by incorrect explanation.
 The Old Man is the condition of unregenerate humanity, identified in union with Adam. It is our condition naturally after our corporate sin in Adam. It is not a reference to our nature as if it were some part of us. It is not a person with a will. It is not an abstract principle—an abstract principle cannot be responsible for a sin a man commits.
The Old Man is DEAD! How can we then go on sinning? Who can we blame?
This is the pivotal issue of this book—sin and Christian responsibility.

See REVIEW below.




Here is an intensely practical approach to Conflict Resolution for dedicated counsellors and pastors, as well as lay persons. It uses the two issues of a. one-to-one counselling and b. written communication—both in a rather unique way—with 100% success!

  • This 213 page e-book covers Family Conflict, Marriage Conflict, Church Conflict.
  • It addresses the principles of Conflict Resolution from the biblical bases.
  • The methodologies are fully explained, and warnings are illustrated in regard to Rushing to Judgment.
  • Clear explanatory notations.

See REVIEW below.



It is common parlance to refer to a departed loved who has supposedly “gone up there”, as one who is now “looking down”, presumably “from heaven”. And no regard is paid to the rotation of the earth’s axis at that time, or the position of the earth in its orbit around the sun! So where is “up”? Or “down”?
Is heaven “up there”, or “out there”, or “down here”? These questions only confuse the issue because this is to think spatially instead of relationally.
We pray: Our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:9). That statement implies location, but where is that?
We further pray:
10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:9, emphasis added.
Implicit to this prayer is that we desire to have God’s sovereign rule (His kingdom) and His will operating in undivided application on earth as it is currently operating in heaven. This implies a future expectancy for this earth, as well as a particular location—both now and then!
If we glibly refer to heaven as being “where God is”, then since God is everywhere, we are already in heaven—because God is here!!
And if God is everywhere—spatially—then where does Satan fit in? No, we can’t argue spatially. God is sovereign and reigns supreme over all things—Satan included.
And if God is everywhere—spatially—then where is the lake of fire?
“God in heaven” is the being of God apart from sin—God in His perfect holiness, and where He reigns supreme.
But WE are not NOW in heaven as the bible understands—even though God is also here—or we have no future hope! There is nothing more to be achieved. Paul is clear:
19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. 
1 Corinthians 15:19.
There is much more!!

See REVIEW below



The first Jew was a Gentile. Prior to Abraham, there were no Jews—there was no nation of Israel.

Israel exists by the sovereign choice, plan, and action of God—the sovereign ruler of the universe. It deserves to be carefully acknowledged and recognised because of that origin—and more.

No other nation has ever attracted the detailed care, protection, and specific purpose as has Israel.

Through the Abrahamic Covenant, Israel was to become:

  1. A great nation, deriving from Abraham. This was a personal blessing.
  2. They would be given a land to possess—the land of Canaan. Beware of trifling with God’s determination here.
  3. Through the descendants of Abraham, down to Christ, there would be an international blessing. This belated nation would become central to God’s purpose in order to determine the salvation destiny of the whole world.

God warned:

3I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; (Genesis 12:3).

Nations that have failed to appreciate that statement, have learned to their own detriment., if they have tried to oppose Israel: they are opposing Israel’s God.

Nations who have supported Israel, have benefited from the blessing of Israel’s God.

Don’t mess with Israel! They are the Apple of God’s Eye!




The subject of the Second Coming was usually treated with a snigger and evasive comments, like, “Oh, I’m a pan-millennialist” (“she’ll all pan out in the end!”), or a “… flour mill!” It was always regarded as an argumentative topic reserved for wet-Sunday-afternoon idle chatter, rather than as a serious issue to be carefully understood and applied.

Why was God’s climactic work—the culmination of His whole redemptive program—so unclear and indecisive, if this attitude were true? Why was it frequently treated with such gross trivialisation? This is the climactic purpose of the Creator of the universe!

COMING: READY OR NOT takes a careful appraisal of the whole program of God, seeking to give balance and perspective to the many interlocking issues. An understanding of the Kingdom of God is basic to this pursuit, and this includes a corrective treatment concerning the significance of the role of Israel in God’s overall program.

See REVIEW below.


Have you heard of “gay cakes”? This is a picture of those who for conscience (in the US) would not provide “cakes”, i.e. cater for a gay marriage reception, once the “marriage” equality laws had come in. Immediately the gay lobby sued for discrimination and the owner (Aaron Klein) was forced to comply or be fined—in this case $135,000—and put out of business.
This is the work of a terrorist mentality. No consideration for anyone else’s beliefs. No respect for other universally and well-established views. Just force with coercive pressure to demand conformity to their narrow and perverted ideology.
The “marriage” equality debate is a ruse to have laws enacted that will then open the floodgates for all manner of perversion, followed by discrimination laws to force the perverse views on the apathetic public.
Only 1% of the population is trying to manipulate the 99%, and we are just letting it happen. There is an urgency to acquaint everybody with the situation before we lose the opportunity to have a say. If we delay, it will not be just a matter of “gay cakes”, a pastor will not be able to refuse to “marry” a gay couple. A church will not be able to refuse the use of its facilities for a gay reception. These things are already happening in Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, and other places that have allowed gay “marriage” to be introduced.
And it won’t be a matter of tolerating these changes, the new deconstructionism of “toleration” requires hearty assent and approval of the aberrations.


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In seeking to promote and support the Calvinist position, Benjamin Warfield sought to champion the cause by making some rather extravagant statements:

"He who believes in God without reserve and is determined [free will!??] that God shall be God to him, in all his thinking, feeling, willing - in the entire compass of his life activities, intellectual, moral, spiritual - throughout all his individual, social, religious relations - is, by the force of that strictest of all logic which presides over the outworking of principles into thought and life, by the very necessity of the case, a Calvinist".

This can only be described as a ridiculously elitist statement. To believe in God in the terms described, does not even remotely require a person to be a Calvinist. Likewise, the following quote from Warfield is equally elitist in the extreme.

"Religion (sic) in its substance is a sense of absolute dependence on God and reaches the height of its conception only when this sense of absolute dependence is complete and all pervasive, in the thought and feeling and life. But when this stage is reached we have just Calvinism".

Sadly this statement is arrogant nonsense! Is this position—absolute dependence on God, etc.—not true of EVERY Christian? It is this arrogant approach that raises a serious concern of an elite theology above the Scriptures.

Such statements demand that a corrective be given, and hence this book.






Eschatology lends itself to all manner of dogmatic assertions and beliefs. In this book, COMING: READY OR NOT, those assertions are present, but they are well substantiated.
Most significantly, from my experience as a professional lecturer, the careful basis of the whole concept of eschatology and its premise on the declared Word of God—as given in this book—and especially the clear emphasis on a literal hermeneutic, gives the conclusions a cogency seldom given in books on the subject.
Consequently, the comprehensive topic of the Kingdom of God—almost unique in a discussion of this type—is brilliant in its clarity of the overall plan of God, giving a perspective to eschatology that is most enlightening. To see the concept of “this world order” that Dr Swincer uses, to see the beginning and the end, from the creation to the consummation, is a noteworthy approach to understanding eschatology, especially as it locks in to God’s original purpose for the creation.
Extending from this overview, is the importance of God’s people Israel. Petty argument cannot address this issue, and the pervasive references to Israel throughout scripture, from Old Testament to New Testament, are best appreciated in the significant role recognised for these people as demonstrated in this book.
A “must read” volume.

A retired professor of New Testament. 


I am most appreciative of the fundamental concepts that are espoused in The Old Man Died. Smith, Murray and Gibson—referred to in the book—are three of the few authors who have been prepared to state the biblical position—or anything remotely near it—and this is a most refreshing read.

Likewise, Dr Swincer certainly has the ability to “think laterally” in regard to biblical doctrines. There has been an “habitual response” to the concepts of the “sin nature”, and the “flesh” that as Dr Swincer explains, have become ingrained in the theological mind-set.

The broad use of Scripture and its exegetical application is masterly.

In addition to the insightful correctives, Dr Swincer shows a truly pastoral heart in seeking to help people at large in the Christian community, who continually struggle in the area that can only be described as “habitual sin”.

Thank you.

Arthur S.
(A pastor with a strong practical theological application). 


UNIQUE! This is the only biblical construct that even remotely attempts to identify the biblical criteria and then to apply them to a practical application. The mountain of arguments about all the facets of glossolalia are mostly hot air that don’t even touch the real issues, and nothing constructive results. This book gives a clear outline of the biblical criteria, identifies the historical precedents and background, and then draws these together in a construct of Genuine Biblical Languages.
A retired pastor comments:
"This book by David Swincer is a demonstration of close and thorough exegesis. You will be rewarded with many insights and pastoral tips as you read this work thoughtfully and reflectively. This work is also a good example of approaching Scripture seriously and wrestling with its application - sadly, by and large, a lost art today."

Mark Ingram (a retired pastor). 



Praise God for this book. Brilliant!

During my theological training, I studied exegesis for four years, with an average of 4 semester hours of lectures each week. At the end of the studies, I could only throw all my notes into the trash.

Nothing that was said established a methodology for doing exegesis nor how to record it for the future.

Interestingly, it was on my annual vacation with the family at the end of my first exit year of pastoral ministry, that I discovered what exegesis was all about. I had taken Kenneth Wuest’s Word Series book First Peter in the Greek New Testament to use in my devotions each day. I was amazed to find the simple significance of the Greek in order to understand the bible.

I was suddenly brimming with information that I desperately wished to keep at my fingertips, but how to record it in a readily accessible form. And so the search for a methodology.

Dr Swincer’s book explains clearly why the bible is authoritative, how it should be interpreted, and then how to use it in the ministry of preaching and teaching through careful exegesis for my contemporary situation. But the cream on the cake, is a model for a methodology of how to cumulatively record the fruit of my labours in preparation. Brilliant! 


How embarrassingly obvious!

Two simple aspects of regular counselling/interviewing, brought together in a unique relationship and the results are nothing short of astonishing. We all interview two parties separately—at least from time to time. And we all write notes of some description. But this method of combining these two methods, very discreetly, and with great attention to details and as a clear tool of communication between two parties at odds, is simply enlightening. 

Conflict Resolution is not new—but this combination certainly seems to be. Dr Swincer should be deeply thanked for this timely and very effective emphasis.

During more than forty years in the pastoral (and associated) ministries, I have been able to benefit from these methodologies to great advantage, and so I have no hesitation in warmly commending this volume to pastors in particular, but also to anyone involved in counselling ministries, especially where there is a focus on Conflict Resolution.

Those who employ this methodology will have great success personally, but perhaps more importantly, difficult situations will be remarkably solved, and warring factions brought to happy resolution.

Let there be more fulfilling reconciliation!

A Seasoned Pastor – having enjoyed the blessings of seeing families in particular, brought to peace.


I highly commend the propositions espoused in this book. The problems associated with the Doctrine of Original Sin and its ramifications for the ministry of Evangelism are seldom appreciated, and certainly not adequately addressed. This book presents a view that is soundly biblical, and theologically helpful in the resolution of many of the problems – such as Alien Guilt, the Causative Sin in each of our own experiences, and the matters of our personal responsibility and accountability.

I warmly commend it to be carefully assessed.

Dr EG Gibson – one-time principal of the Baptist Theological Seminary of Queensland, Australia.



Dr Swincer has done a monumental service to the Christian world. Addressing a topic that is often poorly understood, or bitterly divisive, he has sought to remove the assumptions – in particular, the presumed precursor of ecstasy – from the biblical teaching about the Gift of Tongues for the Church. He carefully distinguishes between the one-stage phenomenon of the Book of the Acts, and the two-stage phenomenon of the gift for the Church.

The contemporary background of ecstasy in the Mystery Religions of the first century and beyond, is very significant in appreciating the nature of the biblical gift.

Of particular personal interest to me, was his careful tracing of the historic roots of tongue-speaking in the various denominations. This alone deserves wide publicity, as it is often very poorly understood, and usually quite prejudicial.

There are many historic traces of teachings and developments that show remarkable research and high academic excellence.

This should become a text-book on the subject.

Dr Clifford Wilson – prolific author and Christian statesman, Australia.




Generally “Heaven” is treated with somewhat glib throwaway comments. Grandma died and went to heaven. There is almost a universal expectancy that everyone will get “there’, whatever the form might be, with 70 virgins as a reward, the cheap culmination of a perverse life, through to the climactic and glorious hope of sincere Christians.
This book attempts to give perspectives and parameters that make the expectancy real and meaningful.
Uniquely, the whole panorama of earth’s creation from beginning to end, is the framework. The eternal God is from everlasting to everlasting, and somehow in the middle of this continuum is a defined period of “this world order”.
It is argued, that the perfection (heaven) that existed from all eternity prior to “this world order”, must be restored after “this world order”, and that Heaven is the Ultimate Reality that is the restoration after this world has been culminated in The New Heaven and the New Earth.
The remarkable difference in the two perfections—both before and after “this world order”—is that the future perfection, Heaven: The Ultimate Reality has a physical component that was not present in the perfection “from everlasting”.